Saturday, April 16, 2011

Margaritas + Shopping!

Mon amie Katie and I spent last night representing The Soiree Project at Momma Margarita Night, a fundraiser for the Thurston County Saints.  This was our first foray into selling our items at a big vendor event and we learned a ton (like bring enough business cards so you don't end up giving people scraps of paper with your name and number on it like a bar pick-up!).  I am also going to buy a mirror this weekend so people don't to have to try to see themselves in my mini make-up compact when trying on a necklace.  Alas, lessons learned but a great night had!  Thanks to all the friendly vendors who shared sales tips with us!

One of the biggest surprises of the night was how popular my Shrinky Dink necklaces were.  That's right, kids... Shrinky Dinks.  Leave it to me to bring back the 80's with some 2011 style!  Trust me, these things rock!  I plan on making more next week so I will be sure to document the fun.   Here are some pictures of a few of the pieces.

From top to bottom: Eiffel Tower, Dios de los Muertos (not french but I dig it!), and Notre Dame (gargoyle included!)
My favorite one: French Hot Air Balloons
By the way... I just ordered some adorable custom cards from!  Can't wait until they arrive!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Jolie Jour

I am full of joy and pride as I reflect on the Annual Celebration of Inspirational Women that was held this week to honor women in our community and honor Women's History Month.  The Silent Auction I coordinated brought in over $2700 to support the empowerment of young college women.  This picture is one of the items I donated... a choice of one of three of the necklaces in my "Jolie Jour" (Lovely Day) line. "Rainbow," "Chance of Showers,"and "Partly Sunny."  They are sweet, whimsical necklaces that are fun to design and even more fun to wear.  Being from Washington, there is always a little cloud in the sky!
Jolie Jour line
I will be busy in the next few weeks getting my craft on so that I have a wide range of products to sell at all the upcoming events, including Momma Margarita Night and the YWCA of Pierce County Annual Luncheon.  Until I blog again... Au revoir!